Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

ESTIMATE how many miles you walk a day. The average person seeking asylum in the U.S. has walked 1,000 to 2,000 miles, doing so in approximately 28 days with 2,000 steps in each mile. In solidarity with them.

PLAN a walkathon or set a goal for your group to walk 2,000 miles this Advent season.

INVITE others to join you by walking with you or sponsoring you with a donation that can be made to help people with basic necessities on our border.

As you WALK, be mindful and PRAY for those seeking asylum. One visible way to show solidarity is by wearing purple shoelaces (purple being the color of Advent) or choose your own color if you don’t want to wear purple. Migrants leaving detention centers are all missing shoelaces because they are taken from them when they enter. You can also CARRY the pictures of the children who have died or a candle.

Go to DiscoverYourNeighbor.org for links of places where you can donate any funds collected.

Heidi-Maryknoll Lay Missioners  https://mklm.org/border/



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